Private Lessons
Private, one-on-one, small group and or in-home yoga is a structured yoga teaching program that revolves around your schedule, location, and goals, all thought by a certified yoga instructor.
For beginners private instruction is optimal as it gives you the opportunity to learn and improve your technique in a more convenient and easy-going environment.
Each session is based on your personal needs, taking any injuries or limitations into account while moving through the sequence.
You can stop to ask questions and get instruction on modified postures to suit your individuals needs. Your private trainer will help you grasp the basic tenets of yoga and work toward any goals you may have.
Advanced yogis can also benefit from the one-on-one nature of private sessions — and so can everyone in between!
A private yoga class is a chance to deepen your practice and expand your horizons. If any physical injuries or other setbacks hinder group practice, this is also the perfect opportunity to benefit from individual instruction.